
Archive for the ‘White House’ Category

The resent headlines around the collection by the NSA of “telephony metada” is a direct result of the inhibitions and restrictions  imposed on a national security apparatus by progressives inability to condone the profiling required to efficiently identify security threats by Islamist terrorists.

In an effort that has resulted in extreme political correctness across all strata of our government and broader society we have erred to the point of facilitating terrorism through our unwillingness to focus our security resources on the few logical proponents of such acts at the expense of our broader personal freedoms and right to privacy.

Political correctness has accelerated under the progressive Obama administration as evidenced by a white house ruling cabal that expresses their lack of knowledge to the administrations encroachment on our freedoms and then when the secrets become visible attempt to limit their impact for “national security” reasons.

Four years ago I wrote about the threat of progressive fascism as represented by Barack Obama and his administration. Four years later we see an administration that has continued to propagate their progressive push toward the elimination of our most basic freedoms.

It is time to recognize that our politically correct, overly sanitized society is contributing to not only the erosion of our individual freedoms but is resulting in a potentially homogeneous  citizenry in which a government bureaucracy stifles the very spirit that launched this nation on its path toward freedom nearly 250 years ago.

It may be politically incorrect to profile young muslim males when we are at the airport, train station, or numerous other public venues. But ask yourself does it make sense to eliminate the privacy of hundreds of millions of our citizens to maintain the ;political correctness required to protect the rights of  a few young muslim, generally males who have no goal other than to destroy you and your way of life.

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