
Posts Tagged ‘congress’

In an unusual display of humility, President Barack Obama has elected to decline the once prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. The President, recognizing that he has not accomplished any thing in his first thirty seven weeks as President that would warrant receiving this award is expected to thank the Nobel committee for their intentions and magnanimity in presenting the award to him, but will ask them to select an individual  more deserving of this accolade.

The President and his closest advisors recognise the absurdity of being granted the Peace prize on the basis of a few well presented speeches. They believe that the award would be better received by the American public were he to actually earn the award with a body of work that were to yield results that indeed led to peaceful solutions in areas of conflict.

In what is seen as a clear case of celebrity adulation and a desire to have the frequently touring Obama visit Norway, the Nobel committee,  selected Obama in an attempt to provide additional support for a President that has been apologising to the world for America’s past actions.  Though the President’s popularity has continued to erode at home he is extremely popular in other nations around the Globe that applaud his attempts to transform America with a progressive agenda that will result in diminishing America’s influence around the world.

Though we disagree with this President’s agenda and his fervent effort to transform America to a Eurotopian state we support him in his decision to refute the Nobel committee and his ability to subvert what has previously appeared to be an over whelming ego that would yield to the seductive nature of this Prize and one that he would surelycovet as he sits upon Mount Obama and supports the world with his pontifical rhetoric.

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Barack Obama is on a path toward a legacy that will firmly cement his place in American history as the great concessionist. Obama is unique among American Presidents for his willingness to concede any prior strength or sense of greatness that America held in the world for the 232 years prior to his ascendancy,  to the Olympian heights he has attained as President of the United States.

The holder of the  office of the President of the Unites States has been referred to for decades as the leader of the free world or as often as the most powerful person in the world. One must take pause today and begin to question whether or not these references, hold overs from the cold war that raged through may decades of the twentieth century, are indeed still applicable under the reign of Obama. The President appears to be doing everything he can to diminish the power of the office through his repetitive conciliatory rhetoric which was most recently displayed at the United Nations this past week and the G-20 summit.

Barack Obama is wasting little time in melding his revisionist rhetoric with his progressive agenda. If one is to believe this President then one must accept that until the rise of Obama that America was an evil super power that failed to allow for the concerns of the greater good in the world as it steadfastly clung to its out dated ambitions on the world stage. According to President Barack Obama no nation on earth should be allowed to dominate another. All the nations of the world should align and work toward the greater good of man kind.

One could question the naivete of this President as he makes such impotent and utopian comments but the reality is that Obama’s conciliatory remarks are a direct embodiment of his belief that America has for decades been an evil power that did more wrong than right in the world. It has been left to Barack Obama to concede the error of our ways and transform America’s role in the roll of nation’s to that of a weakened power who is now seeking its rightful place in the world as another equal among the nation’s of the world.

If one listens to Obama’s address at the United Nations he speaks of the change that America is experienced in the last eight months as he has single handedly transformed America from an evil power to a kind and gentle member of the world community. Obama is fond of referring to all that he is doing or already accomplished during his brief stint in office during his continual campaign addresses.

Barack Obama may not be the leader of the free world or the most powerful person on earth but one must concede that he may possess the greatest ego on the planet. An ego that if it remains unchecked will only further diminish the power of the office on the world stage even as it seeks to constrict individual choice at home.

The American media, beyond a single network must begin to question the progressive policies of this President and focus on the motivations behind the policies if America is to resume its role on the world stage as a nation that may not be liked by all the nations of the world but is at least respected and feared by its enemies.

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There lies within the belly of this great nation a seed of discontent which, though dormant for decades, has begun to burrow through the soil of self concession and political correctness to once again aspire to its own place in the sun. The roots of this great discontent are  nestled in the great depression and were fueled by the societal changes of world war two and accelerated in the social, political and cultural upheaval of the decades following.

This nation with its government of appropriation has strayed far from the roots of individualism that provided the foundation upon which it has rested for over 230 years. Our society which has nurtured concession and correctness as our accepted way of life has overwhelmed our cumulative passion for greatness as a society and threatens the very core of our national being.

Our elected leadership remains focused on collective concessions and correctness in all things to the exclusion of individual freedom. At a time when our economy struggles with the highest unemployment in decades, a housing market in shambles and increased threats to our security by rogue governments and fanatical fundamentalism, our political leadership is diverting the national agenda to debates on health care and climate change.

 Our great national muscle is weak. Our intellect is being aborted by special interests and our national vitality is being usurped by a progressive movement whose sole purpose is to weaken and tarnish the American character.  However, across this land people are beginning to listen to the endless and myopic rhetoric that flows from Barack Obama and his progressive administration. They are beginning to recognise the shrill partisan and bitter rhetoric that flows like an endless stream of falsehoods from Nancy Pelosi. They are beginning to realize that the foolish and weak kneed comments from Harry Reid are a national embarrassment.

Americans are awakening with a desire for hope and change. Hope that is fomented by a desire to return this nation to its well earned place as a leader among nations. They are motivated by the hope that this nation will once again be known as the land of opportunity where the best and the brightest rise as a function of focus and effort as opposed to being legislated. They are filled with the hope that this nation will again be that nation which covets aspiration, as opposed to diminishing the human spirit. They seek change from the progressive yoke that has sought to strangle the very soul of our nation.

Americans are on the rise. They will not accept the constraints of national spirit imposed upon them by the cult of Barack Obama and his special interest collaborators,  but rather  will push the soil back to seek their own place in the sun where concessions are not made without equal gain and correctness is a sense of individual rights that blossom along the path toward greatness.

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Barack Obama addressed leaders from around the world at the United Nations today in what can only be termed a lecture to the globe on the need to act definitively and urgently to provide coordinated effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions and save the world for future generations.

 In typical Obama fashion he opened his remarks by apologizing to the nations of the world  for America’s and Americans contribution to the global warming crisis and the failure of the nation to respond to the  needs of the earth until the Obama administration arrived in the White House.

Obama touted the transformational effect of the Obama Climate Doctrine on American industry through the rapid expansion of the green energy industry, the Climate Act passed by the House of Representatives and America’s committment to support for the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December. He spoke of America’s responsibility to join all the nations of the Globe in an effort to turn the tide on Global Warming.

The irony of course is that this President who relishes the spotlight, whose tools of the trade are a teleprompter and a podium is out of touch with the American public. He continues to sing the praises of his progressive agenda and his green economy while the real world in both developed and developing economies compete for the consumption of fossil fuels. Obama appears to be willing to sacrifice near term economic gratification to provide for the greater good. He has indicated a willingness to forego the benefits of an economy based on our current energy matrix to replace it with a green energy matrix of renewable energy including wind and solar platforms.

One could argue that Obama is a selfless leader motivated solely by the desire to do what he believes is right for the nation however, ceo4aday believes that this President, a product of a progressive orientation from birth is motivated by a sincere need to gratify the special interests that promoted and sponsored his ascendancy to the White House and a compelling obsession with a legacy to be not a great President but the greatest President.

This President who lectures to the nation and the world with head raised in pontifical glory seeks the lasting glory of history and is willing to sacrifice the present to attain his own selfish vision of the future.

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Barack Obama, in a speech filled with patronizing platitudes to organized labor at an AFL-CIO event in Ohio, sought to protect his left flank today as union powers begin to express dissatisfaction with President Obama, who they heavily supported as candidate Obama. Obama was swept into office largely on the backs of union members as their respective unions raised hundreds of millions of dollars to aid in the election of the inexperienced junior Senator from Illinois.

With the President declining in the polls and the majority of Americans questioning his policies the pep rally in Ohio was timed to give the President a lift from one of his most ardent bases of support. The speech was fueled by pure high test Obama speak as he thanked the unions for transforming America from an industrial oligarchy to a nation that today embraces a strong middle class that exists solely due to the efforts of America’s labor movement as represented by their great unions.

On Obama’s path toward a workers paradise unions are praised, coddled and encouraged to expand their efforts to organize. Why wouldn’t they be,  given the President’s complete lack of executive experience or knowledge of real world business activity. The benefit to Barack Obama by increasing the ranks of organized labor, is that it consolidates additional power into the special interest groups that Obama is beholden to thereby assuring additional support for future Democrat campaigns.

Barack Obama is adrift in the sea of his own rhetoric. It was painful to watch the President of the United States pander to such a well defined special interest as represented by the AFL-CIO. A short while ago ceo4aday suggested that this President stop campaigning and begin governing. Obviously our plea as well as the pleas of millions of others fall on deaf ears as President Obama fails to listen to the public and hears only the rapture of his own voice as a nation waits for him to gain his footing and follow the right path.

It is ironic that on the same day that the President is pandering to the unions that he also appointed a new czar. Just one day after the resignation of the Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, due to a variety of inappropriate comments and actions prior to joining the White House staff,  Obama has appointed Ron Bloom as the Manufacturing Czar. 

Any experienced operator in the manufacturing sector, would assure the President that America has suffered as a nation in the manufacturing sector because of  high costs that place extraordinary burdens on American manufacturers that are not shared by many other nations in the developing economies of the world. Unions in many cases are the direct cause of America’s shrinking manufacturing base as they place non competitive demands on American business.

We very much doubt that another Czar, appointed by this President with his ears in the clouds will have any substantive impact that will enhance or expand our manufacturing base. The President needs to listen to America. This nation wants to return to work to real jobs that provide or produce services or goods that create sustainable value not additional government services. This nation wants to stabilize the real estate market. This nation wants to progress along the path of sustainable free enterprise. Listen Mister President and you may hear the rumbling of a nation that wants to roar.

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Peggy Noonan in a column in the Wall Street Journal today in which she appropriately skewers the lack of experience by the Obama administration, writes about the youthful leadership in the administration and how it is untested by life experience. She makes two very keen observations about Barack Obama in particular,  that we believe are spot on.

First, Ms. Noonan writes that Barack Obama is boring in a ” Faux Elegant ” manner as opposed to the solid boring of a President quietly attending to the details of governing. Rather she addresses the monotony of this President who always speaks with the same “sound, approach, logic, tone, modulation”. She is right.

 This President, who has been more visible, due to his own apparrent desire to be in front of the camera, than any other President to date is boring. He has proved to be the Pontificator in Chief, prone to lecturing the electorate on what  they need as Americans. His  administration is on a quest to promote and expand the federal government as the great solution provider to the masses.

 The President has roamed the globe and the nation since his inauguration reading  from his teleprompter, apologizing for America’s contributions to the world when he is abroad and promoting domestic policies across the nation that are out of touch with the priorities of the majority of Americans in a consistent monotone that is wearing on the public. There is little emotion observed or evidenced when Obama is speaking.

This brings us to the second keen observation of Ms. Noonan’s column in the Journal. Barack Obama the President of cool is really the President of cold. She writes ” He is cold, like someone who is contained not because he’s disciplined and successfully restrains his emotions, but because there’s not that much to restrain”. Like her, we have and continue to question how the electorate will trust this President who tacks toward the intellectual in a nation that votes based on emotion.

Boring and cold are words not generally associated with great leaders. I have no doubt that this President thinks daily about greatness and his legacy. His campaign was carefully choreographed to promote greatness and seduce the American psyche to the exclusion of experience. He has failed since assuming office to expand the political capital that swept him into office amid slogans of hope and change.

America was bruised and battered by war and recession when President Obama was elected in 2008. The “inspiring” campaign and promise of hope and change that catapulted an inexperienced first term Senator from Illinois to the White House has fallen flat during the fist 200 days of this Presidency. Obama’s progressive policies and message are falling on deaf ears as the public tunes out a message from a President who lacks the experience to understand he must warm to the American public and align with the center that now finds him cold and boring.

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Barack Obama has squandered his previously high favorability ratings in the polls by failing to recognize that despite the heavily biased liberal media, Americans as a whole tend toward the center rather than the left in matters that directly affect their quality of life. The progressive agenda that the Obama administration has embraced is not the change that most Americans who voted for Obama were expecing. Rather, they believed the candidate Obama who repeatedly vowed during the campaign to seek bipartisanship solutions to issues that had long run aground in the muck that is Washington.

Voters wanted to believe that this President would rise above the noise of special interests that currently chair the political symphony in Congress and the White House but that belief was quickly tested and obliterated when the President urged Congress to push through the American Recovery Act, the inaptly named stimulus package that proved to be filled with entitlements to special interest groups and an homage in particular to the unions that supported the Obama campaign and were in line for their pay off.

The American public has lost confidence in this President as they finally come to terms with the fact that Barack Obama though an excellent campaigner does not possess the credentials or experience to be President. His lack of executive experience combined with a limited legislative career in the Senate has resulted in an Administration in which the President has ceded governing to a Democrat controlled Congress and a group of czars that are neither elected officials nor do they require confirmation by Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Poll indicates that only 46% of likely voters approve of the performance of the President. Barack Obama has squandered political capital that was generated by the public’s desire for change from the Bush Administration. They were even willing to reset some American ideals for a leader that was willing to govern for the people not the special interests. This President is not this leader.

The Obama administration will limp through the remainder of this year and into 2010 where a disappointed electorate will vote for change that will result in a more balanced Congress that will more accurately reflect the will of an America that believes in free enterprise, freedom of speech and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Barack Obama and his administration are far too progressive for this nation, that is rooted in the principles of individualism. The willingness of President Obama to expand the scale and scope of government at the expense of individual choice and freedom has resulted in a back lash that will continue through his term and limit Obama to a single term. America will continue to turn toward the center for solutions and reject the Eurotopian dream of this inexperienced President.

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The passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy the Liberal Lion of the Senate marks the end of an era in American politics. Teddy was the last visible link to the American public and the world at large to the politics of Camelot as portrayed by John and Jackie Kennedy at the beginning of the 1960’s. Much of the public in 1961 in America and across the world was enamored with the reign of the Kennedy’s a stylish youthful couple that ushered in an era of promise and great expectation.

The promise of the Kennedy reign would be cut short by the tragedy that haunted this uniquely American family with the assassination of President Kennedy and would be marred by the Bay of Pigs and his legacy in Vietnam would prove to become a powder keg of civil unrest as Americans became divided by a war in south east Asia whose purpose became inexplicable to a generation that believed the world could be annihilated with a push of a button.

As memoirs became public and tales were told the sanctity of the Kennedy reign became further marred by stories of illicit affairs with stars and starlets. Bobby Kennedy who became the heir apparrent to the Kennedy crown following the death of Jack  and the new liberal standard bearer for America  fell to an assassin’s bullet in 1968.

 Ted Kennedy was then expected to draw Excalibur from the rock and assume the mantle of the new leader of Camelot. It appeared until one fateful night on a bridge in Chappaquiddick, Massaachussetts that Ted would successfully reignite Camelot and assume the path to the Presidency. It was not to be as tragedy again enveloped the Kennedy clan. Ted Kennedy remained in the Senate for 47  years and will be long honored by his Democrat peers for his liberal agenda. During the 2008 election Senator Kennedy, dying of brain cancer, passed his liberal torch to Barack Obama when he endorsed Obama for President.

Obama, was the logical candidate for Kennedy to endorse given that the progressive liberal politics of Obama were closely aligned with the liberal politics of  Ted Kennedy. The Senior Senator from Massachusetts was an iconic figure in the Senate and the Democrat party, His passing will be well marked by his supporters. It is a great irony that at a time when the most liberal President to hold the office  is rapidly descending in the polls that an iconic symbol of the liberal left passes on.

The Kennedy name will long echo in the halls of American politics. The legacy of Camelot was the election of Barack Obama. A legacy that has resulted in a President whose policies have already proved as divisive to this nation as a war which raged in south east Asia at a time now believed to be a more innocent time in the world. A time when our enemy was the great Russian Bear. When Cuba and China were really Fidel and Mao. When Che was considered the ultimate revolutionary.

We grieve for the Senator’s passing and for his family not because we shared his political ideals but rather as we do for the loss of icons that have been visual benchmarks through our own passage of time. The Kennedy’s like it or not have been ever present for the last fifty years in the pop culture that has become our American politic.

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The failure of Barack Obama  to terminate his campaign and begin to govern will result in the premature but over whelming failure of his Presidency. Obama, has yet to transition to the role of a governing leader. Whether it is a result of the counsel of his closest advisers or his own desire for attention and the adoration of a once fawning public, he has simply failed to rise to the standard of governing.

Obama who is currently touring several western states under the guise of a tour of national parks has also made several campaign stops to promote the linchpin of his domestic agenda, health care reform. Actually, the President is now promoting health insurance reform as the debate over a broader health care reform bill appears to be lost. According to the latest Rasmussen poll 54% of American oppose the passing of any legislation regarding health care this year.

Political campaigns in America have become far too long. When an individual who has campaigned for a minimum of two years to become elected President, finally assumes the office upon election and inauguration and then chooses to continue campaigning, the public will naturally begin to find less favor with the perpetual candidate. Americans had thought they were electing a President.

 Those citizens that voted for Obama looked past his obvious lack of experience and chose to believe that he would bring new leadership to a nation in which the Republican leadership had fallen far from favor. What voters failed to perceive was that this President had become addicted to the adoring crowds and that were staged so well during his campaign and to a media that promoted his charisma and intelligence and believed he was not only America’s salvation but perhaps the salvation of the world as well.

This President who has a penchant for pontificating and lecturing needs to be presented with some straight talk. The presidency is not an office in which one can forgo the discipline or stress of governing to wander the nation seeking approbation from the masses for a progressive agenda that is clearly out of step with the majority of Americans. Rather the Presidency is an office where the mettle of a man or woman should be tested by their ability to rise above the pettiness of a campaign and assume the mantle of  leadership that is best valued for the ability to heal rather than divide a nation.

This is a lesson not yet learned by this inexperienced President who seeks the immediate gratification of an adoring crowd as opposed to the gratitude a nation bestows  upon those who have governed well.

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In what has been one of the quickest swings in Presidential popularity in the history of poll taking, President Barak Obama according to the latest Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll is now viewed as favorable by only 47%  of likely voters. This has been one of the quickest and most extreme swings in Presidential popularity of a first year President in history.

Barack Obama who’s persona is increasingly being portrayed in the media as that of a silver tongued used car salesman must be shocked by the polling data and wonder why the wheels are coming off of the Barack the great redeemer wagon. The American electorate is clearly not responding positively to Obama’s consistent if vague message that we the government know what is best for you the American public.

The President, who has maintained a continual campaign since his inauguration has proved to be far more liberal then many voters perceived during the 2008 Presidential campaign. As a result of the President promoting the special interests of the environmental and union lobbies,  the public has moved increasingly to the center ,while the Obama administration and the liberal Democrat leadership of the Congress as portrayed by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and Harry Reid, theSenate Majority Leader, have been outed for their commitment to a progressive agenda that would increase the concentration of power in the federal government while diminishing individual choices and freedoms.

Barack Obama who has been a subject of progressive doctrinaire throughout his academic and political life is a true believer in the progressive cause and has filled his administration with loyal subjects. The public, which of late has been demeaned and is always underestimated by liberal and progressive elitists that include Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have awakened in the past few months to an America that progressing along a path never foreseen by the founding fathers. It should be of no surprise to most in the political arena that a back lash would develop against the President’s policies given that over time the majority of Americans find comfort in the center as opposed to the extremes of the left or the right.

Obama the campaigner is wearing thin on Americans tolerance who have become impatient with Obama’s failure to embrace principles of governing that contribute to the safety and security of America. They ask who is governing the nation id the President is coosistently and aggressively campaigning. The answer of course id in the swpecial interests that funded and promoted Barack Obama as a vessel of hope and change.

The hope in America today is that Congress will listen to their constituency, the American public and not allow this President to continue to guide this nation away from the founding principles and values that have been the foundation for this great nation . The hope in America today is that Congress will not enact the progressive legislation that this President is promoting but that courage and common sense will prevail and America will survive this Administration’s attempts at concentrating power and creating a progressive or socialist state.

Americans must continue to stand up and speak out for their individual rights. They must ignore the platitudes of the left and do what is right. They must take ownership of this nation and not bequeath their future to a progressive and misguided few.

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