
Posts Tagged ‘investing’

In an unusual display of humility, President Barack Obama has elected to decline the once prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. The President, recognizing that he has not accomplished any thing in his first thirty seven weeks as President that would warrant receiving this award is expected to thank the Nobel committee for their intentions and magnanimity in presenting the award to him, but will ask them to select an individual  more deserving of this accolade.

The President and his closest advisors recognise the absurdity of being granted the Peace prize on the basis of a few well presented speeches. They believe that the award would be better received by the American public were he to actually earn the award with a body of work that were to yield results that indeed led to peaceful solutions in areas of conflict.

In what is seen as a clear case of celebrity adulation and a desire to have the frequently touring Obama visit Norway, the Nobel committee,  selected Obama in an attempt to provide additional support for a President that has been apologising to the world for America’s past actions.  Though the President’s popularity has continued to erode at home he is extremely popular in other nations around the Globe that applaud his attempts to transform America with a progressive agenda that will result in diminishing America’s influence around the world.

Though we disagree with this President’s agenda and his fervent effort to transform America to a Eurotopian state we support him in his decision to refute the Nobel committee and his ability to subvert what has previously appeared to be an over whelming ego that would yield to the seductive nature of this Prize and one that he would surelycovet as he sits upon Mount Obama and supports the world with his pontifical rhetoric.

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In what has been one of the quickest swings in Presidential popularity in the history of poll taking, President Barak Obama according to the latest Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll is now viewed as favorable by only 47%  of likely voters. This has been one of the quickest and most extreme swings in Presidential popularity of a first year President in history.

Barack Obama who’s persona is increasingly being portrayed in the media as that of a silver tongued used car salesman must be shocked by the polling data and wonder why the wheels are coming off of the Barack the great redeemer wagon. The American electorate is clearly not responding positively to Obama’s consistent if vague message that we the government know what is best for you the American public.

The President, who has maintained a continual campaign since his inauguration has proved to be far more liberal then many voters perceived during the 2008 Presidential campaign. As a result of the President promoting the special interests of the environmental and union lobbies,  the public has moved increasingly to the center ,while the Obama administration and the liberal Democrat leadership of the Congress as portrayed by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and Harry Reid, theSenate Majority Leader, have been outed for their commitment to a progressive agenda that would increase the concentration of power in the federal government while diminishing individual choices and freedoms.

Barack Obama who has been a subject of progressive doctrinaire throughout his academic and political life is a true believer in the progressive cause and has filled his administration with loyal subjects. The public, which of late has been demeaned and is always underestimated by liberal and progressive elitists that include Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have awakened in the past few months to an America that progressing along a path never foreseen by the founding fathers. It should be of no surprise to most in the political arena that a back lash would develop against the President’s policies given that over time the majority of Americans find comfort in the center as opposed to the extremes of the left or the right.

Obama the campaigner is wearing thin on Americans tolerance who have become impatient with Obama’s failure to embrace principles of governing that contribute to the safety and security of America. They ask who is governing the nation id the President is coosistently and aggressively campaigning. The answer of course id in the swpecial interests that funded and promoted Barack Obama as a vessel of hope and change.

The hope in America today is that Congress will listen to their constituency, the American public and not allow this President to continue to guide this nation away from the founding principles and values that have been the foundation for this great nation . The hope in America today is that Congress will not enact the progressive legislation that this President is promoting but that courage and common sense will prevail and America will survive this Administration’s attempts at concentrating power and creating a progressive or socialist state.

Americans must continue to stand up and speak out for their individual rights. They must ignore the platitudes of the left and do what is right. They must take ownership of this nation and not bequeath their future to a progressive and misguided few.

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The American public is awakening to the health care reform scam that Barack Obama and a subservient Democratic Congress are attempting to impose on a nation that does not want the change Barack Obama and his elitist progressive administration are determined to enact.

The public is speaking out across the country and saying no to Obamacare and serving notice to Congress that its members will be held accountable for the decisions they have made to date as well as in the future. Members of Congress are continually campaigning and with the  2010 elections only fifteen months away those with an eye on reelection will be listening to their constituents during the August recess. 

 The voices they hear will unnerve them. The American public in what happens once in a generation, if at all ,wants to be included in the decision process that takes place in Washington. Their voices will be heard at gatherings all across the land. They want entry into the elitist halls of government where special interest groups have placed a stranglehold on Congress and the Administration to further a progressive agenda that will bankrupt our nation’s spirit as well as our economy. In their zeal to transform this nation from an economy based on  free enterprise, broad individual freedoms and a limited role for government to a socialist nation, that will limit individual freedoms and expand the reach of government into every aspect of our lives.

Barack Obama has been slipping in the polls the past several weeks as Americans become disenchanted with his policies. As his favorability rating weakens in the polls it has provided an inverse reaction on Wall Street. As CEO4ADAY predicted in a blog on July 14th, Obama’s decline in the polls would ignite a rally on Wall Street as investors gained confidence that this, the most radical President to inhabit the White House, will fail in his quest to transform America into a Eurotopian socialist state.

The traditions of America consistently flow from the center. When the nation swings too far to the right or the left in an attempt to right an imbalance it eventually finds its way to the center or right of center. The cultural fabric of America has under gone vast changes over the past 233 years since the original 13 colonies declared their independence from the oppression and tyranny of a government that existed to be served by the people rather than a servant of the people.

Though our cultural fabric has changed through the years, the ideal that is  America as the benchmark for freedom, opportunity and a bulwark of  individualism has inspired the dreams of people through out the world. The administration of Barack Obama has a vision for a new America. An America that does not stand apart as a beacon of freedom in the world or a model of  free enterprise but rather exists to serve as a model for the world of a nation that views the quest for moderation as the American dream.  An America in which individual choices and freedoms are secondary to the greater will of the people as determined by an elite political class in Washington.

Americans are rejecting the vision of America offered by Barack Obama and promoted in Congress by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  They are again speaking out for individual freedoms. The voices of Americans through out the land have been uncorked and will not return to an easy quiet until the center is firm.

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Barack Obama has placed himself in the midst of a dialogue on on race relations between the Black community and law enforcement due to comments he made on Wednesday evening during a nationally televised press conference. The President was commenting on the arrest of  Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. an African American by a white police officer Sergeant James Crowley from the Cambridge Police Department. Sergeant Crowley arrested  Professor Gates for disorderly conduct in front of Gates home in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Gates claimed he had been subject to racial profiling.

President Obama addressed the issue toward the end of his press conference which, with this single exception, was staged to address his demand for health care reform. During the press conference he attempted to reset the agenda by calling for health insurance as opposed to health care reform. When questioned about the incident in Cambridge, in pure professorial mode Obama chose to take the opportunity to speak about racial profiling and commented that the arrested of his friend “Skip” Gates was an act of stupidity on the part of the Cambridge police department.

Subsequently law enforcement associations around the nation have taken humbrage with President Obama’s remarks and many have officers have come to the support of Seargant Crowley. Obama has now spoken with eah man and for all intent has apologised to the Cambridge police officer.

The President made a rookie mistake by injecting himself into this incident. However, this is a President who has attempted to be omnipresent by injecting himself into Americans lives several times a day with his fondness for the communications media. He also considers himself to be the Professor in Chief who is always willing to endow his wisdom upon an eager audience.

The President suffers from a lack of leadership experience as evidenced by his intrusion into a local issue when he is in the midst of an economic crisis and two wars. An experienced leader understands the impact of his comments. By commenting on the Cambridge issue Obama has again served notice that his goal is to be the solutions provider in chief as opposed to governing. Obama and his administration need to reset their agenda to focus on the economy and the President should begin to limit his desire for starring in a reality show based in the White House.

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The American public is becoming aware that Barack Obama is not the twenty first century messiah promoted by the liberal media. The very media that provided camouflage for Obama during the 2008 campaign are now standing impotent on the sidelines as Obama continues his relentless march down the field toward socialism.

 Six months into his term Barack Obama must be wondering what has happened. Obama was swept into office on the wings of a euphoric media and a liberal politic in which the left believed they had destroyed the conservative movement and in particular the Republican party. Today the President finds himself in a four front battle between health care reform, the cap and trade bill, a failed stimulus plan and an economy that promises continued high unemployment.

His leadership ability is being questioned by all but his most ardent supporters as finds himself in a battle to push his health care reform package through a Congress that is becoming more concerned with the mid term election in 2010 than supporting a President who is rapidly losing public support for key initiatives of his progressive agenda.

Obama  is clearly a practioner of the “Big Lie” which was so effectively developed in the propaganda machine administered by Joseph Goebbels for a messianic leader who transformed a nation in the 1930’s leading to the destruction of a nation and a people in the 1940’s. The premise behind the “Big Lie” is simple. Repeat the lie frequently enough and it will be perceived as the truth. Obama was elected on the merits of the “Big Lie” and he and his administration have continued to expand on this tactic since his inauguration.

Obama possesses the rhetorical skills and the platform to deliver the “Big Lie” in a manner that seduces the listener and provides the comfort of a  cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter night. He used the Big Lie to sell the $787 Billion American Recovery Act which has failed miserably as a stimulus plan and is now embracing the Big Lie to market health care reform and clean energy legislation.

Obama promised that the stimulus plan would save or create three and one half million jobs. He repeated the lie  on numerous occasions to create a sense of urgency to pass the stimulus package and included the same lie in his 2010 Budget message. Now the lie has changed from job creation around the stimulus package to the fact that “I Barack Obama” have brought the economy back from the brink” with the stimulus plan.

Barack obama is a progressive fascist. He seeks to impose his will upon the American public to reset the American Dream. He seeks to be the founding father of a new America in which the public will subject their own will and desires to the Federal Government for the benefit of all. There is nothing new here. There is no hope and no change with this President. The world has seen his act before and suffered the great pain of an ego that knew no bounds.  Barack Obama’s Big Lie is an echo of  the strategies utilized by the German leadership between 1933 and 1945. His message, meticulously staged and wrapped in the eloquence and the historical credibility of the White House is destructive to this great Republic.

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Barack Obama will be recognized in American history as the first African American President who through his election tore down any walls remaining between minorities and the White House. However, unless he begins to recognize that his progressive  policies will destroy our capitalist based economy, he will also be recognized as the President who destroyed our great free enterprise based society and saddled America with the burden of perpetual welfare.

Obama to date has skated by on the support of a media seduced by his charisma and the promise of hope and change. His Presidency is failing on both counts. Rather than hope he has taken once again to casting blame on the current economy on his predecessor George W. Bush while reminding us that our economy is in dire economic straits with unemployment expected to continue to rise. His stimulus package which has failed to provide any economic stimulus was a fraud perpetrated upon an American public that was eager to support this new young President. He continues to expand on the fraud by attempting to reset the rationale for creating the stimulus package that was presented to the public by the President and his administration.

The change that Obama spoke of was to be evidenced by a President and an administration that was willing to reach across the aisle thereby tearing down the political barriers that prevented legislative progress in the past and providing a template that would provide progress by incorporating the best minds from both sides od the aisle as opposed to the partisan legislation that has been the standard for American politics.

The stimulus plan passed without a single favorable vote by a member of the Republican party. The Pelosi led and Obama inspired House chose to exclude Republican input entirely since the Democrats had won the election in 2008. Obama in his zeal to transform America from a capitalist based economy to a social welfare state based economy has become consumed by the traditional politics of a typical Chicago politico. The change that Obama has brought to our nation is the change of an America based on hope and prosperity and the will of the individual to an American culture that is wilting under the hammer of a federal government out of control.

Barack Obama is destroying this nation. He was elected by a people filled with good intent on a promise of yes we can. A people willing to give this inexperienced charismatic campaigner a chance to improve upon the American way of  life. Obama proved that he could run a campaign. It is time for this President to stop campaigning and begin governing. It is time for this President to stop speaking and start listening. It is time to slow down the agenda and focus on the immediate needs of the economy with a sense of urgency that any CEO would understand and implement.

Americans need to return to work. Banks need to be able to extend credit to both businesses and individuals. The housing market needs to stabilize. The Federal government needs to get out of the business of competing with business and focus on maintaining the safety and security of this nation. Barack Obama needs to begin lead this nation toward a path that will preserve our way of life rather than eliminate it. Barack obama has jumped the shark and is taking the nation with him along a perilous path. Someone in the Democratic leadership or in his administration needs to speak up and tell the emperor he has no clothes on.

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The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 will not be passed by the Senate this year as Americans grapple with a weak economy, rising unemployment, record budget deficits and eroding confidence in a President who appears to be misreading the pulse of the public while he attempts to impose a progressive domestic agenda on a nation who’s economic infrastructure is stressed to the brink of implosion.

The energy bill which barely passed the democratically controlled House is commonly referred to as cap and trade legislation and increasingly understood to be a cap and tax bill. The bill, which in addition to regulating greenhouse gas emissions significantly expands the energy and environmental  bureaucracy as it weaves its way through every thread of American life.

With the evident failure of Obama’s stimulus package dawning on the American electorate and no immediate solution being offered by Obama and his administration the tide of public support is turning against this most inexperienced of Presidents. As public pressure mounts on members of Congress the Presidents support in both the House and Senate will begin to wane as legislators begin to focus on the 2010 elections which are beginning to line up strategically for Republicans in many states.

Cap and Trade legislation is another leg on Obama’s anti business stool which include health care reform and a stimulus plan which failed to target stimulus funds for business to promote job creation. Obama who has been defending the stimulus package, which was nothing more than an entitlement bill, is in danger of  further damaging his relationship with the public as he attempts to sell a failed stimulus package as a plan that has worked and generated a positive impact on the economy.

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The Federal Budget deficit officially surpassed $1 Trillion today as tax revenues from corporate and personal income taxes have declined significantly from Obama administration estimates. Barack Obama, intent upon redistributing wealth in America, has established a new deficit record and is not through spending yet as he continues to expand the scope of the Federal government .

The President who has appointed 34 various czars to oversee almost every conceivable aspect of American life is leading the nation along the path toward bankruptcy at an alarming pace. Unless the Congress begins to legislate with some element of common sense and begins to reign in the progressive agenda of Barack Obama this nation will have redistributed all of its remaining wealth to the creditor nations that are currently propping up the American economy.

The policies of Barack Obama are destructive to the American way of life and if left unchecked will result in the catastrophic dissolution of our free enterprise based economy. Our $1 Trillion deficit will grow exponentially if we fail to stem Obama’s lunatic spending. It is time for the President to park Air Force One in the hangar, put the teleprompter away and learn about the nation he has been elected to govern but, chosen to destroy through the execution of his progressive policies.

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Barack Obama reached a new low in the Rasmussen Presidential daily tracking poll today and wall street reacted with its best day in several weeks. As Obama’s popularity continues to weaken with the public, investors are taking solace that this, the most radical of President’s may fail in his effort to transform America to a Eurotopian socialist state.

Obama’s progressive agenda supports class war through excessive taxation upon the very investors we require to move capital into the markets. Investors had lost confidence over the past few weeks as Obama teamed with his liberal minions in the House to push through the highest tax increase in the history of America in the form of cap and trade legislation under the guise of climate change.

With his political base weakening investors are gaining confidence that Obama will  fail in his effort to push through another fiscal nightmare in the form of national health care reform. The failure of Obama’s stimulus package to stem unemployment and effect any positive change in the economy is effectively a confidence builder for investors, as it provides an emerging confidence that the Obama agenda may flame out before the end of 2009 and bolster the ability for centrists and moderates that believe in the free enterprise system to gain seats in the House and Senate in the 2010 elections.

The political class is today dominated by the Obama inspired leftists who possess a strong anti business sentiment. This sentiment has proved to be a death knell to investors and the business community. Businesses are relectant to invest cpital in a nation whose current economic and social policies resemble the socialist and totalitarian nations that advocated centrally planned economies in the twentieth century.

Barack Obama is a confirmed leftist whose policies belong in academia where they can be discussed and disseminated by those who should not and do not govern. Obama’ s anti business bias has been formed over years of being a product of a social orientation that provided him an excellent free liberal education at the finest schools in the country and additional years of being a community organizer and a member of the liberal political class that view business a as necessary evil. 

Is it any wonder then that investors would find temporary solace as Obama’s agenda becomes increasingly less likely to transform America into the next member of the European Union. Ultimately, the markets will respond to economic data. However, the economic data will improve substantially providing investors have the confidence to put their capital to work.

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Barack Obama, who did his teleprompted best to paint a catastrophic canvas of the economy following his election last November, right through his inauguration and the subsequent passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, more commonly  referred to in the press and the political class as the stimulus package, is attempting to reset the electorate’s perception of the stimulus package as a failure.

Obama’s popularity has been falling precipitously in the polls over the past ten days due to a continuing series of negative statistics from the economic front. In his weekly address today the President sought to  remind us, following his self praise for his wonderful effort in Russia, in Italy at the G8 conference and in sharing his wisdom in Ghana, that if not for his swift action in pushing the stimulus package  through Congress, the American economy would have fallen completely into the abyss.

The President,  no stranger to embellishment, speaks of the many jobs saved by the Recovery Act to date with the  eloquence and expertise of a master  politician who knows that he can not be held accountable for something that is impossible to measure. He speaks with great pride of the many jobs created by small business in the mythical clean energy industry he is so fund of referencing. 

The President is a master pitch man. He is an eloquent carny who continues to foist upon an increasingly impatient public the mythical successes that are the product of the stimulus package. Though Bernie Madoff is currently the reigning King of cons with his massive investment scheme it is only a matter of time before this current President becomes recognized for defrauding the American public beyond anything ever perpetrated by Madoff. 

The $787 billion American Recovery Act and Reinvestment Plan is not a stimulus plan. It is an entitlement act designed to satisfy the debt owed by Obama to the unions that through there support clinched the election for this most radical of Presidents. Obama has coasted along on the wings of an adoring media and a public so eager for a change in the White House they were willing to vote for the most inexperienced candidate to ever attain the office.

As he continues his attempts to reset his relationship with the electorate we should all be mindful of his progressive agenda and his desire to embellish and distort the facts on any issue in order to satisfy the goals of his transformational Eurotopian agenda. This President harbors a great ambition that extends beyond the shores of our great nation to nations around the world. It is not enough for him to lead America he wrestles with a messianic complex the world has not witnessed since the second world war. His attempts to out perform Al Gore on the topic of climate change and Global Warming are a product of his massive ego.

This President has all the answers and if you do not believe that he will simply reset the questions.

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