
Posts Tagged ‘Obamacare’

The Democrat Party, led by Barack Obama and his progressive administration, have attempted to muzzle dissent by Americans with respect to the debate over health care reform. The irony of the Democrats accusing the Republican party of attempting to stifle debate by organizing dissent at various Town Hall meetings hosted by members of Congress, should not be lost on a public that observed organized dissent led by Democrat party organizers through out eight years of the Bush administration.

The Democrat Party is the party of organized special interest groups. It is a party led by a community organizer who used his skills to rally the Democrat community behind his candidacy and ultimately elect him President. It defies belief, that this party would choose to  cast aspersions upon those who do not support the progressive agenda of Barack Obama.

As Democrat  members of Congress hear dissent over health care vocalised by their constituents the Obama administration has elected to divert the attention away from the issue of Obamacare and turn the debate to the dissenters. Today, Nancy Pelosi in a USA Today opinion column written with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer labeled dissent as un-American.

It is fitting that the progressive left is unable to fathom that the tactics they are famous for could be used against them. However, it is truly pathetic that Pelosi and Hoyer are unable to tolerate legitimate debate and concern over an agenda that is clearly changing the American dream to the American nightmare. Pelosi, the elitist simply can’t bear to believe that there are American who care to think and express dissent for no other reason than the fact that they disagree with a President and a Congress that are out of control.

Pelosi, in her attempt to stifle and misrepresent the Obamacare debate is un-American. Dissent is an  essential right in a Democracy. Liberals though true believers, do themselves a disservice when they narrow and divert the issue and become the progressive fascists of an Orwellian dream.

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The American public is awakening to the health care reform scam that Barack Obama and a subservient Democratic Congress are attempting to impose on a nation that does not want the change Barack Obama and his elitist progressive administration are determined to enact.

The public is speaking out across the country and saying no to Obamacare and serving notice to Congress that its members will be held accountable for the decisions they have made to date as well as in the future. Members of Congress are continually campaigning and with the  2010 elections only fifteen months away those with an eye on reelection will be listening to their constituents during the August recess. 

 The voices they hear will unnerve them. The American public in what happens once in a generation, if at all ,wants to be included in the decision process that takes place in Washington. Their voices will be heard at gatherings all across the land. They want entry into the elitist halls of government where special interest groups have placed a stranglehold on Congress and the Administration to further a progressive agenda that will bankrupt our nation’s spirit as well as our economy. In their zeal to transform this nation from an economy based on  free enterprise, broad individual freedoms and a limited role for government to a socialist nation, that will limit individual freedoms and expand the reach of government into every aspect of our lives.

Barack Obama has been slipping in the polls the past several weeks as Americans become disenchanted with his policies. As his favorability rating weakens in the polls it has provided an inverse reaction on Wall Street. As CEO4ADAY predicted in a blog on July 14th, Obama’s decline in the polls would ignite a rally on Wall Street as investors gained confidence that this, the most radical President to inhabit the White House, will fail in his quest to transform America into a Eurotopian socialist state.

The traditions of America consistently flow from the center. When the nation swings too far to the right or the left in an attempt to right an imbalance it eventually finds its way to the center or right of center. The cultural fabric of America has under gone vast changes over the past 233 years since the original 13 colonies declared their independence from the oppression and tyranny of a government that existed to be served by the people rather than a servant of the people.

Though our cultural fabric has changed through the years, the ideal that is  America as the benchmark for freedom, opportunity and a bulwark of  individualism has inspired the dreams of people through out the world. The administration of Barack Obama has a vision for a new America. An America that does not stand apart as a beacon of freedom in the world or a model of  free enterprise but rather exists to serve as a model for the world of a nation that views the quest for moderation as the American dream.  An America in which individual choices and freedoms are secondary to the greater will of the people as determined by an elite political class in Washington.

Americans are rejecting the vision of America offered by Barack Obama and promoted in Congress by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  They are again speaking out for individual freedoms. The voices of Americans through out the land have been uncorked and will not return to an easy quiet until the center is firm.

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