
Archive for the ‘economy’ Category

It comes as no surprise that the Obama led attack on Mitt Romney’s experience at Bain Capital is embraced by a broad democratic electorate that fails to understand that the very foundation upon which there freedoms rest is built upon the most basic of economic principles. The desire to profit from ones economic activity.

Were Mit Romney to have poorly executed his responsibilities at Bain it is highly unlikely he would be the presumptive Republican party candidate for President nor would he ever have been sought out to salvage the 2002 Winter Olympics, nor is it likely he would have been elected Governor of Massachusetts.

Today in this campaign his success is also his great burden. It is unfortunate that a burgeoning number of voters fail to understand the importance of balancing political bravado with real world economic experience.

The country has lived through the arrogance of a President who does not hold the same belief in the free enterprise system as those leaders who have preceded him. The man who was once hailed as an oracle of hope and change has through his ineptitude given rise to an economic malaise that threatens the promise of the American economic dream and portends the continued erosion of economic hope for millions of Americans.

Would that voters pause and reflect at the ballot box the importance of experience in value creation versus what is now the tired rhetoric of self as espoused by a man who rode the desire for change from so many who are unable to distinguish profit from prophet.

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The American public is awakening to the health care reform scam that Barack Obama and a subservient Democratic Congress are attempting to impose on a nation that does not want the change Barack Obama and his elitist progressive administration are determined to enact.

The public is speaking out across the country and saying no to Obamacare and serving notice to Congress that its members will be held accountable for the decisions they have made to date as well as in the future. Members of Congress are continually campaigning and with the  2010 elections only fifteen months away those with an eye on reelection will be listening to their constituents during the August recess. 

 The voices they hear will unnerve them. The American public in what happens once in a generation, if at all ,wants to be included in the decision process that takes place in Washington. Their voices will be heard at gatherings all across the land. They want entry into the elitist halls of government where special interest groups have placed a stranglehold on Congress and the Administration to further a progressive agenda that will bankrupt our nation’s spirit as well as our economy. In their zeal to transform this nation from an economy based on  free enterprise, broad individual freedoms and a limited role for government to a socialist nation, that will limit individual freedoms and expand the reach of government into every aspect of our lives.

Barack Obama has been slipping in the polls the past several weeks as Americans become disenchanted with his policies. As his favorability rating weakens in the polls it has provided an inverse reaction on Wall Street. As CEO4ADAY predicted in a blog on July 14th, Obama’s decline in the polls would ignite a rally on Wall Street as investors gained confidence that this, the most radical President to inhabit the White House, will fail in his quest to transform America into a Eurotopian socialist state.

The traditions of America consistently flow from the center. When the nation swings too far to the right or the left in an attempt to right an imbalance it eventually finds its way to the center or right of center. The cultural fabric of America has under gone vast changes over the past 233 years since the original 13 colonies declared their independence from the oppression and tyranny of a government that existed to be served by the people rather than a servant of the people.

Though our cultural fabric has changed through the years, the ideal that is  America as the benchmark for freedom, opportunity and a bulwark of  individualism has inspired the dreams of people through out the world. The administration of Barack Obama has a vision for a new America. An America that does not stand apart as a beacon of freedom in the world or a model of  free enterprise but rather exists to serve as a model for the world of a nation that views the quest for moderation as the American dream.  An America in which individual choices and freedoms are secondary to the greater will of the people as determined by an elite political class in Washington.

Americans are rejecting the vision of America offered by Barack Obama and promoted in Congress by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  They are again speaking out for individual freedoms. The voices of Americans through out the land have been uncorked and will not return to an easy quiet until the center is firm.

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A relatively minor program captured the headlines over this past week end and promises to continue to arouse partisan political passion through this week until the final disposition of the ” cash for clunkers ” program is determined.  The White House is very much in favor of continuing the program which has burned through the initial one billion dollars that was allocated to the automobile purchasing stimulus.

The program provides for a $4,500. trade in on older automobiles. The program was so well received by consumers that the program quickly ran out of money. Last week the House quickly approved an additional two billion dollars for the program and the Senate is debating the issue this week prior to the beginning of the August recess.

With an economy in recession and the majority of voters  deciding  that the stimulus plan provided by Barack Obama under the guise of  the American Recovery Act has been a dismal failure,  it is no wonder that the White House is promoting the “success” of “cash for clunkers”. It is most likely the Senate will pass an appropriation to continue this program since the auto industry is a Government preferred industry as demonstrated by the bail outs provided by both the Bush and Obama administrations.

Ceo4aday believes that programs that stimulate the purchase of durable goods are welcome and truly provide a stimulus to the economy but do not believe they should be discriminatory. We have long advocated a program that is not discriminatory that would put dollars in the hands of consumers through a federal voucher with an expiration date that would expire within a specific period of time. The program  would consist of a spend it or lose it clause and the monies distributed to tax payers should be allocated on a proportionate basis per actual taxes paid.

Funds from the American Recovery Act could be reallocated from their current entitlement and union subsidization program to fund real stimulus. Under this plan all tax payers would receive in effect a rebate on prior taxes paid which would provide an economic stimulus across all sectors of the economy as opposed to being sector specific like “cash for clunkers”. It would also be class inclusive as opposed to previous attempts at consumer stimulus that omit those at the top rungs of the economy.

We recognize that the likelihood of reallocating funds from the American Recovery Act and converting them to real stimulus dollars is unlikely. The Obama administration and the members of Congress that rushed through this partisan $787 Billion bill during the first weeks of the new progressive administration would be reluctant to alter its current structure in any way that would divert funds away from the numerous liberal programs that were included in the bill to satisfy the various special interest groups of the left.

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Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader announced this week that the Senate would delay any action on a health care reform bill until after the August Congressional recess. The delay in Senate action has been caused by an inability to develop an acceptable compromise between liberal Democrats, willing to agree to any bill promoted by the Obama administration and moderate Democrats and Republicans who are unwilling to agree to a government take over of health care that will increase the federal deficit, lessen the quality of health care and increase the burden on American tax payers.

Delaying the process in the Senate will most likely cause a delay in the House which following the August recess may lead to the ultimate death of health care reform as elected officials hear an increasing roar from a public that has become disenchanted with the idea of placing their health care in the hands of an administration that is increasingly being perceived as being less than forthcoming with the real costs of health care reform as well as the quality of service to expect from a government mandated program.

Barack Obama is keen on stating that he is enacting the change that Americans want. He is correct that Americans voted for change when they elected him President last November but the change that this President has brought to date and the changes he continues to propose are reflective of a classic political bait and switch. President Barack Obama has failed to deliver on the promise of candidate Barack Obama. This should hardly come as a surprise given the President’s thin resume of leadership. Other than his campaign Obama had never had any management experience.

Six months into office and obama’s inexperience weighs like a wet blanket upon an economy that is struggling to heat up. His self promoted and much touted stimulus plan, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009, has proved to be the debacle that opponents of the bill had opined that it would be when the partisan bill was rushed through Congress with out being read and was subsequently signed by the President who had promoted the bill as a job savings and creation bill. The President’s pronouncements on the bill have under gone some ‘recalibration’ as the President and his administration now refer to the stimulus as having a longer term arc than would be expected with the urgent passage of a stimulus bill.

In retrospect the Obama administration will have proved to have miscalculated American’s tolerance for the political sleight of hand that is the stimulus package. The proposed take over of the Health Care industry by Obama in addition to the energy and safe climate act that narrowly passed the House is making Americans uncomfortable and testing their patience with this administration during a period of rising unemployment and a challenged economy.

The majority of the nation are expecting the President to adjust his priorities and focus on the economy rather than attempting to save the earth through the building of windmills and saddling the nation with an ill conceived health care program.

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Barack Obama is pulling every trick out of a hat full of tricks to saddle the American public with a government take over of the health care industry. The President is clearly threatened by Congress inability to bow to his desire to reform our current health care system and replace it with a government operated health care system that promises to lower care for Americans while pushing the country toward bankruptcy.

The President in what has become his partisan trademark, addressed the health care bill this morning from the White House and continued to castigate those who wish to focus “on the politics of the day” . This statement, from the very man who has assembled the largest and most partisan political organization ever to inhabit the White House is typical of the President’s penchant for wrapping himself in the dialogue of the “holier than thou”. Obama’s hypocritical tactics are designed to divert attention away from the substance of his policies toward those the administration ha

The President and his staff are focused on strong arming a health care reform bill through Congress no matter the cost to the American taxpayer. He is utilizing every available means to sell his vision for health care reform including a media blitz targeting the districts of conservative Democrats as well as a nationally televised address tomorrow evening.

The President who in recent days has seen his popularity slipping in the polls is losing the battle with the American public as now 50% of Americans are opposed to a public insurance option according to the latest Rasmussen poll. The bottom line for the President is that his credibility is being questioned by Americans as they have witnessed his willingness to embellish and misrepresent the facts to impose his agenda on a public that had voted for change in the last election.

The nation is awakening to the reality that the change this President has brought to the White House is a formidable political machine willing to say and do what ever they deem necessary to promote their progressive agenda. The President has a very short time line in which to pass the legislation he has staked his legacy on and his actions are indicative of the partisan politics he learned so well as a scion of Chicago Democratic politics.

Obama who pushed forth a failed stimulus plan through an adoring Democratic Congress and a public flush with the euphoria of Obama’s campaign message of hope and change is confronting a Congress that is exercising caution as the popularity of the President’s policies are eroding and it becomes evident that the change Obama is offering the nation is a transformation to a  Federal government that will dominate the economy through socialism.

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Barack Obama, who did his teleprompted best to paint a catastrophic canvas of the economy following his election last November, right through his inauguration and the subsequent passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, more commonly  referred to in the press and the political class as the stimulus package, is attempting to reset the electorate’s perception of the stimulus package as a failure.

Obama’s popularity has been falling precipitously in the polls over the past ten days due to a continuing series of negative statistics from the economic front. In his weekly address today the President sought to  remind us, following his self praise for his wonderful effort in Russia, in Italy at the G8 conference and in sharing his wisdom in Ghana, that if not for his swift action in pushing the stimulus package  through Congress, the American economy would have fallen completely into the abyss.

The President,  no stranger to embellishment, speaks of the many jobs saved by the Recovery Act to date with the  eloquence and expertise of a master  politician who knows that he can not be held accountable for something that is impossible to measure. He speaks with great pride of the many jobs created by small business in the mythical clean energy industry he is so fund of referencing. 

The President is a master pitch man. He is an eloquent carny who continues to foist upon an increasingly impatient public the mythical successes that are the product of the stimulus package. Though Bernie Madoff is currently the reigning King of cons with his massive investment scheme it is only a matter of time before this current President becomes recognized for defrauding the American public beyond anything ever perpetrated by Madoff. 

The $787 billion American Recovery Act and Reinvestment Plan is not a stimulus plan. It is an entitlement act designed to satisfy the debt owed by Obama to the unions that through there support clinched the election for this most radical of Presidents. Obama has coasted along on the wings of an adoring media and a public so eager for a change in the White House they were willing to vote for the most inexperienced candidate to ever attain the office.

As he continues his attempts to reset his relationship with the electorate we should all be mindful of his progressive agenda and his desire to embellish and distort the facts on any issue in order to satisfy the goals of his transformational Eurotopian agenda. This President harbors a great ambition that extends beyond the shores of our great nation to nations around the world. It is not enough for him to lead America he wrestles with a messianic complex the world has not witnessed since the second world war. His attempts to out perform Al Gore on the topic of climate change and Global Warming are a product of his massive ego.

This President has all the answers and if you do not believe that he will simply reset the questions.

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Barack Obama’s honeymoon with the American electorate is continuing to erode as the public begins to digest the catastrophic spending this President has approved and continues to propose with his radical progressive policies. With a call for a second stimulus package echoing through Washington and the media, the electorate is beginning to recognize that the progressive and transformational policies Obama supports are threatening the fiscal security of the nation as well as threatening the values and principles of this Democracy.

The failure of the  $787 Billion  American Recovery Act and Reinvestment Plan of 2009,  to provide any stimulus to the economy has begun to awaken the public to the distinct possibility that Barack Obama has an agenda that is harmful to this Republic. The vaunted stimulus package that Obama campaigned on Capitol Hill for as aggressively as he campaigned for the Presidency is proving to be the entitlement spending package that Ceo4aday and others wrote about several months ago. The stimulus package isa pay off to the unions that supported Obama during his Presidential campaign and is proving to be a bureaucratic and fiscal nightmare.

Today the White House announced that the web site AmericanRecovery.gov which was created to provide transparency to the public for the spending incorporated in the stimulus package will undergo an $18 million redesign to improve the site. The President should be ashamed and at the least embarrassed by this wasteful spending.

Obama’s penchant for spending and taxing while hiding behind Global Warming and Health Care will continue to plague his Presidency. This President who was swept into office on a wave of charisma and policy camouflage will see his relationship with the American public continue to erode as the Public becomes increasingly aware of the radical agenda of America’s most inexperienced and liberal President

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Barack Obama continues to cede America’s position as the sole remaining super power in the world while his standings in the polls continue to decline. The latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll indicates that the popularity of the President has slipped to the lowest point since he was inaugurated. He now has a 52% approval rating versus 48% who do not approve of the President’s performance.

Obama has continued his diminution of America’s role in the world even to the point of down playing the contribution of America in ending the cold war. In Obama’s Eurotopian vision of the world no single nation should assume a mantle of power greater than any other nation. There is no place for a super power like the America we have known since the second world war.

The President has expressed the Obama Doctrine in speeches he has delivered throughout Europe, Latin America and the Middle East and most recently this week in Russia. As we struggle with a weakening economy amid cries for additional stimulus spending, the President is focused on a “reset”  of America’s interface with the rest of the world.

Obama is the first American President to place his priorities as a citizen of the world ahead of his role as a citizen of America. Barack Obama has proven that not only is he a socialist but he is also a revisionist through his interpretation and subsequent communication of the lesser role America has played during the last half century in promoting freedom and democratic values and principles.

His embrace of  the Global Warming agenda put forth by environmental and progressive fascists is symptomatic of a President who would risk further damage to our economy to bolster his standing with the weaker European nations whose approval he has continually courted. This President who came to office on a wave of charisma and a sense by many that he would govern from the center has chosen to be true to his extreme liberal roots.

He views America as a flawed and greedy nation that must begin to temper its national desire to be more and begin to accept less. His America is the America of great Global sacrifice. Just as he chooses to punish individuals who are successful through higher taxes and tighter regulatory controls of business he has elected to lead America down a Eurotopian path toward larger government and a diminished role for the private sector economy.

The Obama Doctrine is about providing less for America and more for the world.It is about lessening our competitiveness, weakening our defense and compromising our spirit. It is about an America with few beginnings and many endings.

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Barak Obama, beginning to lose ground in the polls is seeking a boost in the polls from his forthcoming visit to Moscow . The President is currently promoting transformational legislation on numerous fronts including health care, global warming, and renewable energy. He is also directing unprecedented government intervention in the auto, finance and banking industries at the same time as he attempts to rewrite history as it relates to the American Recovery Act or as it is affectionately noted by the press, Obama’s stimulus plan.

Today at a Town Hall meeting to promote his health care reform legislation Obama again thanked the House for passing a cap and trade bill that promises to be the largest tax increase in history should the 1200 page bill be passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President. Obama also took advantage of the occasion to announce that his stimulus plan has been a success.

The President makes this announcement at a time when unemployment is hovering at 10% and consumer confidence is again receding. Ceo4aday has written extensively on the American Recovery Act and the fact that Obama’s stimulus plan was really an entitlement program designed to stimulate increased union labor on government funded projects.

The $787 Billion dollar American Recovery Act has done little to aid an economic recovery that is hindered by high unemployment and a tight credit market. The reality of Obama’s stimulus plan is that despite his constant self promotion he did not provide America with a stimulus plan. He has saddled America with an historical deficit that promises to bankrupt the nation.

The President’s trip to Moscow is designed to distract Americans from the economic strife we are currently engaged in and focus our interest on Barack Obama’s attempt to rid the world of nuclear armaments. No doubt he will engage in an apology for America’s role during the cold war and more importantly for forcing Russia in the guise of the former Soviet Union into the cold war.

This President has made numerous gaffes as he has represented America on his trips abroad. It is fitting that the American President who is least interested in protecting the Independence of America will be again be presenting himself to the world stage only two days after the nation celebrates the fourth of July in a nation that established the benchmark  for totalitarianism in the twentieth century. A country that continues to explore its own unique form of capitalism while Obama promotes a progressive toward Socialism for the United States.

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The House passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 by a narrow margin on Friday as the attention of both the nation and the world was turning from the abuse of the Iranian regime to the death of the King of Pop Michael Jackson. The bill which is a cornerstone of the Obama progressive agenda required the votes of 8 Republicans to vote in favor of the bill as 44 Democrats voted against it with a final tally of 219 to 212 for HR 2454.

This legislation should it become law will impose e clean energy tax upon the American Public that will amount to the single highest tax increase ever impose upon American tax payers. Given the narrow margin of passage in the House it is increasingly doubtful though that this bill will pass the Senate despite the urgent pleadings of Barack Obama.

The bill, which proposes its will on every aspect of American life and will create a bureaucratic nightmare, will also cost this nation millions of jobs more then the mythical Green  jobs it purports to create. Nancy Pelosi called it transformational legislation while doing Obama’s bidding and she is indeed correct. It is transformational in that it moves America further away from a free enterprise based economy toward the central planning models of the totalitarian economic models that failed in the twentieth century.

Americans may fight back against the tide of environmental and progressive fascism by contacting their representatives in the Senate and urging them to vote no on this bill when it comes before the Senate this fall. The nation may have been distracted when the House voted but we must wake up and act before this legislation is allowed to further cripple our economy.

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